Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday, December 9, 2012

At first glance this week a lot of the work that has been done is not readily evident. There are some major new things, but much of what went on this week was in places not readily visible to the average person. For instance, you have seen sheetrock walls appear in hallways, but now workers are putting sheetrock above the ceiling level in rooms and hallways where the average person would not readily notice it.

We are starting off with a guessing game this week.

What is this --------------->

A hint: it is copper.

The answer is at the end of the blog!

Wish the light in this picture was better, but the point is that the sheetrock walls are getting a coat of primer paint that is tainted with the same color as the final finish paint. So we are starting to see the "character" of the space as it gains some color.

And when you wonder down those hallways under the yet-to-be-installed ceiling tiles, just remember the beams, conduits, ducts and pipes that are lurking above your head!
Here's one of the big news items for this week! Installation of the gorgeous wood panels in the ceiling of the worship space has begun!
These pictures don't really convey how spectacular this roof will be. Only a small portion of the panels have been installed, but the effect is awesome! The side of the wood strips that make up the panels gets smaller as each level of panels gets higher.
And while the wood panels are being installed in the ceiling, electricians are installing the many, many, many light fixtures in the ceiling.
The roof work is just about complete, and several of the large heating and air conditioner units have been fired up and tested.

Windows are being finished bit by bit.

From the outside the completed windows add a polished look to the exterior.

Glass in the window on the south side facing the current sanctuary is partially completed. Work should start on glass installation on the Providence Road window next week.

And the answer to our quiz-----

This is one of the multiple copper cables that is part of the lighting rod protection system at various places on our roof. Not something that the average homeowner has or thinks about!

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