Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A moment about transitions.....

Back in 1956, the North Carolina Synod purchased 5 acres of land at the corner of Providence Road and Mammoth Oaks Drive. The only building on that property was this 2-story brick house which became the residence for Pastor Jacob Lackey and his family. The house was demolished last year to make room for the new worship and youth building.  BUT........

A piece of this first building that we ever owned is carrying on in the new building. Just as items from the original 1958 sanctuary (later Lackey Chapel) were saved and carried forth in the current Lackey Chapel in the Ministry Center, bricks from the parsonage house were saved and now form a cross in a section of wall on the Mammoth Oaks side of the new building.

And another transition.....

We purchased the brick duplex house on the corner of Providence and Mammoth Oaks in 2006. Since then it has been used for Sunday School classes and as a meeting
place for other groups.

As of this week, the house is "transitioning" into a parking lot!

This is an important step. The footprint of the new worship and youth building took away over 50 parking spaces. The new parking lot across the street on Mammoth Oaks Drive will yield 99 spaces. Funding for this project came through a generous estate bequest.

Grading for the new parking will begin probably right after Christmas.

Pray for warm weather this winter to expedite this process!

And elsewhere....

We have some better pictures this week of the wood ceiling panels being installed in the worship space.

Speaking of ceilings, the ceiling in the main lobby (Lower Commons) is coming together. The opening in the center is the skylight. It's not going to be your ordinary boring ceiling!

Brickwork has begun on the main lobby entrance facing the parking lot. This is the last place left for brick facing. All the other sides have been finished.

Installation of glass on the Providence Road window has started.

This is on a side away from public view, but work has started on the entrance/exit from the worship space on the columbarium side of the building. This is at the intersection of the new building and the Ministry Center next to the columbarium memorial garden.

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