Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

This week, it's large pictures with a description below the picture!
The large window and door openings are being filled with temporary materials in order to close up the building so that the heating system can be turned on. Some of the materials that will be installed in the weeks ahead are not tolerant of cold weather!
The main lobby (The Lower Commons) is gaining more and more shape as columns are defined and sheetrock walls are completed.
Even a door or two has appeared! Now that there is live electricity in some of the panels in the various closets, there must be lockable doors on the closets. This gives you a look at the color of the door and hardware finish that will be used throughout the building.
This is the youth assembly room (The Pit). The sheetrock has been put in the ceiling. A suspended ceiling will be added later.
What ladder? Nothing like a pair of stilts for mudding sheetrock! But notice that we have a hallway defined by solid walls.
The 22 classrooms in the lower level have solid walls.
Up in the ceiling area above the Worship Center floor, the dangling silver tubes are part of the heating and air conditioning system. Workers are busy spray painting the roof trusses and catwalks with black paint so that they will not be readily visible above the suspended ceiling panels yet to come.
And speaking of the ceiling, the hangers for the Worship Center wood ceiling panels are being installed. We have edited green lines over some of the framework to help you pick it out in this picture.
 Out on the roof over the main lobby, final preparations are continuing on the five large HVAC units that were installed last week. The black pipe on risers running top to bottom in this picture is a gas line feeding these HVAC units. Workers are pushing to get these units ready to run since heat is needed for some of the work not far ahead on the schedule.
The brickwork has turned the corner on the side facing the parking lot. The brick at the far left in this picture surrounds one of the front stairwells.
The brickwork on the Providence Road side is moving along well. Can't wait for the scaffolds to come down on this side so that the passing traffic can see our final "face"!
And finally this week, the memory of things past paired with the memory of things yet to come! And thanks, Lord, for the great blue sky and wispy clouds at just the right time to make a great picture!

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