Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

There's a good reason why the blog was posted later than normal this week! But you have to go to the end of this week's blog to find out why!

We now have front doors. In fact, all of the exterior doors now are in place.

Pretty classy looking!

Almost all of the big equipment has been removed from the main lobby.

The lobby now looks really impressive and spacious as you enter the front doors.

Can the smell of Sunday morning coffee be far off?

The scaffolds finally have been removed from the chancel.

The darker openings on each side of the center section with the curved arch and round window are spaces where the LED display screens will be mounted (lower openings) and spaces that will be covered with fabric (upper openings) behind which the organ speakers will sit.

This is a view from inside the Providence Road window looking out. No special reason for including it other than the fact that it is an interesting geometric pattern set against a beautiful blue sky. And the trees just add a little interest to the picture!

It may not seem terribly exciting, but the addition of ceil tiles in the lower level classroom areas started today. What makes that exciting is that the addition of ceiling tiles makes these rooms about 90% finished!

These two doorways are at the end of the Ministry Center, one in the hallway and one in the Beacon Bookstore. It means that the two buildings are truly being tied together.
This is the exterior door on the Mammoth Oaks Drive side of the building leading into THE PIT (youth assembly/social area).
You are going to see columns like this all over the building. Once the stained baseboards are added, these will look fantastic. Could have just been an ordinary column, but doesn't this look slightly Biblical?
And here's icing on the cake. You have seen pictures of the suspended wood ceiling in previous blogs. There were four large unfilled spaces around the center core of the ceiling. Now those spaces are being filled in. Inside the red rectangles in this picture, you can see the metal framework on which the final wood panels will be mounted. Hopefully by this time next week, the scaffolding will be gone, and we'll have a picture of the finished ceiling.
OK. We teased you at the beginning of this blog. Here's the two-fold payoff that explains why this blog was uploaded late Friday evening!
First, there are four very special gentlemen in our congregation that you need to know.
They are (left to right) Walt Roth, Jason Bryan, Dennis Leffler and Roger Szymczyk.
Remember the big trees that we cut down near Providence Road when construction began? These four gentlemen became custodians of the wood from those white oak trees. Under their skilled and dedicated hands, the wood from those trees has now become furniture for the chancel. In the picture above, the four are standing behind the pulpit/speaker's stand. Yet to be installed are colored panes of glass in the openings that form the cross. The colored panes of glass will match the colors of the chancel paraments as colors change throughout the worship calendar year. None of these pieces of furniture have received their final colored stains, but nonetheless they are magnificent now and will only become better as they are finished out.
This is the 11-1/2 foot long altar table that will be standing in the very middle of the chancel on an elevated platform. It is made in three sections for ease of movement on and off the chancel as needed.
This is the kneeler bench. These men have spent a considerable amount of time in planning, designing and building these pieces for the chancel. It is difficult to express our gratitude sufficiently for their contribution to the new worship setting!
And here's the second biggie!
We got word from the head electrician this morning that they were completing some special wiring today.
S-o-o-o-o, it necessitated a trip back to church tonight and a delay in posting this blog, BUT.....
Now granted, there may have to be some adjustment in the aim and direction of the lights, BUT BY ALL MEANS DRIVE BY AND TAKE A LOOK AFTER DARK! THE SIGHT OF THIS LIGHTED STEEPLE WHILE DRIVING ALONG PROVIDENCE ROAD IS A THRILL!!!

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