Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Target date for first worship by church members:
Sunday, April 28!
First worship advertised to general public:
Sunday, May 19 (Penecost Sunday)
Ceramic floor tile continues in the Lower Commons. This is a view of a completed section so that you can see the full pattern. Remember: this has NOT been cleaned and shined yet!
Installation of the cabinets in the coffee bar area has begun.
The reception desk/counter for the youth area is being installed.
The audio-visual control desk for The Pit in the youth area is being installed.
The Pit just gets better and better! Check out the colored halogen mini-spots.
Over in the lower level classrooms, the divider panels are in. These are a rich royal blue. And in this picture you can see one of the jazzy carpet patterns in the youth classrooms.
Upstairs in the Upper Commons the large "mushroom" light fixtures are in place.
The audio/visual control desk and console is being installed. The black objects on the floor behind the desk are theatrical spot lights waiting to be mounted in the gaps in the wood ceiling.
The pews in the balcony are in (except for the seat cushions)!
So if the balcony is complete, that means that pews are being installed on the main floor this week.
Remember the guys in the congregation who were turning the big white oak trees chopped down for the new building into chancel furniture?
Here's the pulpit! The center circle mimics the center of the three large windows. The glass inserts (red in this picture) will change to different colors appropriate for the color of the current liturgical season.
Outside the lights for the four front columns are being installed.
And the just-poured front steps were starting to dry in the sun when this picture was taken!
The trenches being dug on the right side of the building are for electrical conduit to feed pedestrian light fixtures which will be installed next sidewalks yet to be laid.
The entrance to the main driveway on Mammoth Oaks Drive is being relocated to line up with the entrance/exit for the new parking lot directly across the street.
This is the view from the new parking lot looking towards the existing parking lot in front of the new building. The orange cone is sitting in the relocated entrance/exit of the existing parking lot. You can see how the two entrance/exits line up.
This is one of the two entrance/exits for the new parking lot. Curbs and islands are being laid.
A Little Humor for the Week:
The fixture has arrived and has been installed in the dog walk area..........

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