Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

If you don't think that things are busy on the construction site, just take a look at the variety of tradesmen on the job this morning:
The lower lobby (Lower Commons) is looking more finished with the addition of sheetrock around the columns and divider between the upper and lower floors.

The upper lobby (Upper Commons) has cleared out as building materials have been used up
 Inside the red border in the picture on the right, hopefully you can see some of the crown molding detail that has been added. The will be around the edge of the tray ceiling not yet installed.


In the upper area of the worship, space, the sheetrock is being finished and painted.
Light fixtures are being installed around the ceiling.
The youth assembly room (The Pit) is a total mess right now as workers spray the ceiling with a black coating.

 The light fixtures installed last week in the hallways and classrooms in the lower level are now functional giving the area a bright look.
The front entrance may be bricked by Friday afternoon. This will complete our parking lot "face".
Bricks on the sanctuary side and Providence Road side of the building have been pressure washed giving the building a great appearance.
 NEWS FLASH: The scaffolds that have been in the worship space for months to allow work on the ceiling are scheduled to start coming down next Monday. Check back late next week hopefully for some exciting pictures of the worship space without the scaffolds!!!

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