Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

This week is all about some finishing touches. Although a lot of work has been done, it does not appear to the average person that any major, obvious additions have been done this week. Instead, a lot of the work that has been done now involves finishing details.

For example, the main lobby doesn't appear drastically different from last week's blog. But more of the surfaces are covered with sheetrock and have been sanded. And the worker on the scissors lift is painting the top of the trusses. By next week, in the same picture, you probably won't see any white or blue wall surfaces!

What is shown in the picture on the left is not a final product but is a mock up of the stone facing that will be on the lower portions of the support columns in the lower and upper lobbies. A finishing touch!

Trim work for the acoustical panels on the side walls of the Worship Center is being measured, cut and installed.

As you can see from the grid laid out on this wall, this is a fairly intricate process. An acoustical panel will "snap" into each of the rectangles on this grid.

At a higher point on some of the larger walls, stained divider strips are being installed. One more finishing touch to add to the growing "face" of the Worship Center interior.

And in the enlarged picture below, you can see the detail of some of this stained woodwork and well as some of the exposed wall color. Glad it's a professional making all of those angle cuts on the wood!!!

And in the large men's and women's bathrooms adjacent to the upper level lobby, the ceramic wall tile has been installed. Not a complete bathroom yet, but a beautiful finishing touch nevertheless!

In the audio-visual technical room at the end of the Upper Commons lobby, the television/movie "blue" wall has been painted.

And in an opposing look at the "finishing touches" scenario, the lower level classrooms just need a few finishing touches to be ready (ceiling tiles, electrical outlets, carpet, final paint).

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