Thursday, June 21, 2012

The gentleman in the picture on the left is somebody that most of you will never meet.  But you own him a lot This is Al Barr who is the site superintendent for Edifice Construction. He is the guy who is juggling a thousand details and pulling them all together to deliver a first-class building to us. Al has been the superintendent on five or six other church jobs, and the most wonderful thing about him is that he not only likes his job....he has a passion for church building! And on top of that, he's a nice guy! If you get the chance to cross paths with Al, please take time to thank him for the great job that he is doing on our new building.

If it has been a week or more since you have been on the church campus, the new building looked like this last tme you saw it. Around here, however, you can't turn your back for very long because things change very quickly!
Early this week, "things" started popping up on top of the roof.

And in the space of two days, the workers raised and assembled 92 pieces of steel to form the base for the steeple.

At midweek, more steel arrived. But we have gone as high as we are going at least until the steeple arrives. So instead of up, we now are going out!

The big yellow crane was moved back, and construction began on the rest of the building.

This part of the building will contain the lobby outside the worship space on the upper level and the front portin of the youth area in the lower level.

By posting time for this blog, progress was zipping along nicely on the parking lot end of the building. This part of the construction is fairly straightfoward with mostly straight beams and 90-degree angles.

We expect some concrete floors in the worship space next week!

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