Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sometimes, a bunch of words is not necessary. Pictures tell it better!

Monday, April 23, 7:45 AM  
The first 2 steel columns are in place.

Now that the crane is in the center of the construction site, the foundation footings on the front end of the building

 are being dug and poured.

And the checkout lady at Lowe's said, "You want how many nuts and bolts????"

Thursday, April 26, 2:15 PM

NOW are you excited???

It's starting to look like a church!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The last segment of the outer foundation trenches is almost complete. The last segment runs from the corner of the Ministry Center to the front doors of the new building.

There is a final segment yet to be dug after the large crane is moved towards the center of the construction site.

The electrical contractor already has started running conduit in trenches. Where you see conduit turned up vertically in this picture is where the mechanical room will be on the first floor.

Another activity under way this week is the waterproofing of the below-ground portions of the foundation walls

There is a concrete pour scheduled for Friday, April 20. This is the next-to-last section of the lower foundation walls. One more to go!

The soil on the construction site is handling the water pretty well. The heavy rainstorm this week was a minor nuisance but not a great hinderance. Some of the pits for footings that have concrete bottoms, however, will take several days to dry out!


Praise the LORD!
Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the faithful.

Psalm 149:1

The first delivery of structural steel is scheduled for next week. Look for the building to start going vertical!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Normally, this blog is updated on Thursday afternoon, but something really special happened today!

What can we say.....boys and their toys!

No additional commentary needed. The pictures tell the story.

Up, up and away!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

So how far along are we? The foundation trenches for ALL the outside walls have been dug except for a small area. And those final trenches should be done within the next several work days.

And this picture was taken right in front of where the front door will be. The trench with the green vertical arrows is the location of the front wall of the building. That concrete wall at the back of the picture looks a l-o-n-g ways away!

The foundation walls inside the red boxes already have been formed. The walls inside the green boxes are scheduled for a concrete pour on Thursday afternoon, April 12.

And for the youth of our church.....

Hopefully you have heard about the youth assembly room and classrooms in the lower level of the building. In this picture, the foundation trenches for the youth assembly room are outlined in red.

By this same time next week when the next update appears, there will be a LARGE crane on the construction site, and that will be followed by the delivery of steel beams. If you thought things were starting to get interesting, just wait until the steel superstructure starts going up!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Well, it did not take the graffiti people long....

A brand new blank wall......

A good Bible verse......

A good marker pen.....

It was an opportunity too tempting!

Some of the more shallow foundation trenches are being dug and filled. In the background you can see a narrow, shallow band of concrete. But in front of that is a much deeper, wider pit where a support column will anchor. This pit will be the large concrete base for this support column.

On the right side, forms for more vertical walls are being set. On the left side, foundation footings are being dug and filled. Busy place!

The south foundation wall should be complete by the end of this week. The last section being formed is adjacent to the Ministry Center Building. This section is a little complicated because it will have an interior stairwell which must be totally enclosed for fire safety reasons.

Once the forms are set in place, a concrete pumping truck is brought in.
Concrete trucks feed the concrete into the pumping truck, and the concrete shoots through the hose attached to the extended arm to the top of the wall. Workers guide the nozzle to fill in all the spaces.

If luck holds, we are looking for a crane and delivery of steel beams during the week of April 16!!!